Odyssey Affiliate Programme

Odyssey Promoter /Affiliate Programme enables you to earn cash commissions by promoting our programmes and services to new applicants. You can earn commission for each new applicant who signs up for a programme or service, using your discount code. You can also earn commission for each new Promoter / Affiliate you attract to the programme too.

How it works

  • Every person who signs up to be Promoter/Affiliate will have to generate his own unique 6-letter prompter code to share with followers and enable payment of commissions.
  • You promote programme or service to your followers with your 6-letter coupon code, which will enable you to get commission for every person who signs up and pays for a program or service with your code. Only sign up without payment will not bring commission.
  • Payment of one-time Activation Fee of USD 35 is required to activate and maintain your Promoter/ Affiliate Account.

Registration without payment will not activate your account.

Get started now by creating a new account on our site, or visiting the "My Account" section with your existing account.

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